welcomes you!!!
It is a rainy day at the end of April. Melissa passed
away two weeks ago and young Elias is enduring the
greatest psychical torture since that time. After darkness
has swallowed the last rays of the sun, he dwells at the
resting-place of his beloved girl once again. It has become
an everyday procedure for him to lay a white rose on her
grave, sunken in memories. There is a golden statue placed
on a pedestal amidst the flowers. The angel watches over
Melissa with an expression of yearning upon its face.
Elias wipes his eyes to remove the tears and keeps
on staring at the watchman.
Look at the watchman on the grave
This golden angel without wings
Under his feet she will be safe
His silent singing, freedom it brings
This is music for the night
A trip through darkness into light
Homewards into our purest souls
Where liberty the mind controls
This is music for the night
Tender tunes shall be our guide
Songs of redemption, songs of gloom
Now greatest thoughts, they all shall bloom
Look how the watchman, free from sin,
Calls out eternity for just one day
Wisdom he kept safe deep within
And for the watchman's grace I pray
Look how the watchman without sound
Proclaims the things which are concealed
Magnificence is all around
As the great nothing is revealed
unite the living with the dead. Elias looks
up to the horizon and realizes the magic which lies
in the facial expression of the golden statue. While
the night surrounds him like a gentle friend he takes
the first sip from a bottle of wine, which he has taken
with him, followed by another and another. The angelic
choir begins with the invocation of Bacchus, whose holy
blood finally leads mournful Elias into the realm of sleep.
When Bacchus weeps his song of joy
and conducts us into his realm
thou won't feel pain, nor grief, oh boy
when wisdom's patterns overwhelm
He cuts his veins for us all night
A lovely comforter, his blood
Oh Bacchus, save our love and light
In times of vintage, the red flood
Drift, drift, drifting away
The cosmic semen will lead you, my dear
Drift, drift, drifting away
For you the vineyards cry a golden tear
When Bacchus weeps his song of sleep
We yearn to dwell on a distant star
At white walls splendid paintings creep
Reflections of ourselves they are
This state of mind, divine it seems
Our clarity becomes the prey
Estrangement from thy common dreams
when sorrows slowly drift away…
planes arise before Elias' interior eye.
He has left his body behind in the material
world and feels a boundless liberty of thought.
Time is irrelevant and suddenly he realises that
the mind has the power to cover greatest distances
within one moment, when you let imagination flow.
Thinking of Orpheus, who had once started for a
journey through the underworld to take his beloved
Eurydike back, he hovers above the stellar fields.
Surrealism in the realm of gold
Beyond the sundown on delicious fields
Sorrows fall apart, we have been told
When suppressed thoughts all lay down their shields
Strange perception, would you lead me
To the edge of reality
Let's surf along the Milky Way
Into the distance, far away
Phantastronaut, astronaut in my own mind
In a cosmic sleep, deep inside of me
Phantastronaut, astronaut in my own mind
Through golden tunnels I will flee
In my spirit's radiant empire
Rimbaud's universal tongue is spoken
This is the realm of water, air and fire
Daylight's gone, materialism's broken
Like a solitary dancer
Who never learnt to fall
Like the sweetest of romancers
Who was never loved at all
I'll escape into the depths of space
Like a star-ship which is drunken
My soul shall be the action's place
In Orpheus' realm I am sunken…
His yearning and conventional thinking lead Elias downwards
and witha jerk he falls into the underworld. His ego creates
pitch black images of death and horror exclusively for him
and a constant shiver on his back is Elias' faithful companion.
But soon colourful visions haunt his mind and after a while
he feels as if nothing can hurt him anymore. Finally, as he
reaches the river Styx, Elias believes to see the apparition of
Melissa on the other side. Driven by love and self-confidence
he jumps into the infinite stream, which parts the world of the
living from the dead. But suddenly the amazing flood opens
its mouth and swallows the poor boy Elias. Full of despair and
fear he begins to sing an elegy:
Here, the slight souls hang around
and scream like bats in condemnation
I listen to their desperate sound
In the floods of devastation
This is the land called Tartaros
where I wandered through the mire
Chased by visions, grief and loss
Across the fields of death and fire
River of Perdition,
With my harp I sing this song for you!
Oh River Styx, don't you hear my words?
River of Perdition,
Without harm let me pass through!
Oh River Styx, I want to fly like the birds
The river washes our souls away
Into greedy Hades, which I detest
Heroes and fools shall be an equal prey
For hungry waters streaming west
Athirst for spirits, flesh and skin
A watery movie scene is all I see
Relights the mirror deep within
and conducts my dim memory
From chaotic rivers into oppressing narrowness. Elias
feels the velvet of a wooden coffin surrounding his
mind. Tons of earth weigh down upon his romantic
bed six feet underground, but the protagonist can not
find any sleep. Velvet darkness all around and silence,
but no trace of Melissa, the princess of his heart. Is
grave the opposite of womb? Is earth life giver or life
taker? Is the end an ending or a new beginning? With the
gentle whispers of the flowers from above, touching the
fertile sun, Elias begins to compose an 'underground poem'.
Alone with a taste of eternity
Infernal pressure breaks my will
I'm caught here with myself and me
Down underground I'm waiting still
Above I hear the flowers grow
Stretching into the northern space
All through my bony hands it flows
The sand of time, it leaves no trace
Reaching out to heaven
While the earth dances with the sun
It seems the last hour of day seven
With a silent raindrop has begun
Writing this poem underground
Where silence is the only sound
Lines about decay and demise
Deep underground I will be wise
Looking through blackness everywhere
Deep down into the heart of all
Into oblivion's throat I stare
From where the swallowed flowers call
Watching with the electric eye
The impressive hour I was born
When the sun comes to kiss goodbye
For withered flowers I will mourn
Caught in a small casket beneath the surface
Elias watches his own birth and death passing
by. Images of the blood which flew from his
mother as he rose from her womb come to his
mind. In the next moment he feels the warm
blood which flew from his body as his soul
began to rise from the numb flesh. Still clinging
to his worldly and highly conventionalbelief in
death and transitoriness he hears theangels' choir
sing again.
Only imaginations free the mind
From death and grief of any kind
Melissa's soul lies not below the ground
In darkest tombs she can't be found
Free your reasoning and thought
From decay and the ego's dark desire
Eternal wisdom can't be taught
It has to rise like phoenix from the fire
The space between salvation and man's harm
Eternity and world, finger and arm
is pure deception, see it in yourself
Of every truth the opposite is true as well
Just listen to the winds, they have a lot to tell
Follow your love into the height of spiritual wealth
Invisible wings take Elias out of the grave
and carry him to dizzy heights. Carefully
he releases the burden of worldly reasoning
and begins to fly like a drunken airplane, still
quite confused. Joy substitutes the uncertainty,
and past, present & future, above & below and
time & place are becoming one as the airplane
finally loses its crew in the depths of the sea
and hovers into uncertain horizons.
As I flew through indifferent clouds
The pilots slept in liquid beds
From roaring seas I heard their shouts
Dead men turned magic blue to red
Winds carried me through rain and thought
Towards the eastern paradise
My broken wings, freedom they brought
Let me roam freely in splendid skies
A star-ship hovering alert
On through the waves of time and place
Released from all the worldly hurt
In the infinite depths of space…
I danced upon the stratosphere
Where icy winds my engines froze
A sailor without grief and fear
To live a life of joy I chose
Once drowned in the poetic night
Safe inside heaven's canopy
Like tender lovers the sunlight
In gentle hours embraced me
Eternal storm, it blows me home
Into oblivion deep down
Wherever aeroplanes may roam
Liquid soft clouds are my crown
Elias' soul follows the smoke homewards to greater
heights and joins the clouds for a while. Like a dark
and threatening army they cover the land and move
south. A pilgrimage of clouds, a squadron in the sky.
However, Elias ascends to a layer above the atmosphere,
leaves the blue planet behind and feels clear and free, as
if he breathes in the purest energy. He dances along the
orbits and circles around the sun. A unique passenger who
dives into the depths of eternity and enjoys the great
distances like a child. After a long and relieving ride
through the cosmic paradise the strong gravity of an
asteroid, which is hovering underneath with unimaginable
velocity, catches Elias' attention. Weightlessly, it flies
through the empty glowing room and year after year it
crosses a different stellar system nearly with the speed of
light. Full of excitement and admiration Elias'
unconsciousness starts a conversation with YB5.
Genuine greatness he will see
On his journey with the cosmic hearse
From the depths of infinity
Into the centre of the universe
Like children of a distant sun
Racing fast through time and space
Mother's birth has just begun
Stardust fields reflect her face
Hey, passing asteroid YB5
For one moment just hold on
Tell me of your long, long life
Tomorrow we will all be gone
Along the planets of fiery ice
Timeless oceans in the empty room
Within the stellar paradise
Eternity will always bloom
She renews herself still constantly
The great self which will always grow
Created life, mother galaxy
Her cosmic pulse is beating low
The asteroid tells Elias tales about the ancient
universe and the edge of the cosmos. A dialogue
freed from the limits of time and place, maybe it
takes a second, maybe a million years. Nobody
knows. Their silent voices extend into the whole
universe and every single cell chimes in. Their ways
part and our protagonist - rich in experiences - starts
off to the next step of his journeyand explores the sun
with gentle care. The burning ball which creates
human life and ends it with a bang, what a friendly
host she is! Elias swims across the fiery ocean and
dives down into the heart of the sun.Glowing lava
strokes his skin and feeds the imagination. Like a
Buddha screaming for eternal redemption Elias takes
a deep breath and feels how his spirit slowly unchains.
Drown your sorrows in golden tears
when the boiling blood blasts your head
The biting heat tell all your fears
when silent nights all turn to red
Burn your flesh, take off your skin
Throw down your mind into the void
Souls will be cleansed from deep within
Whilst the cold limbs are destroyed
Falling, falling into the heart of all
As I stare into the southern drain
Watching, watching myself as I fall
As I climb across the cosmic strain
And when finally the firebird
Is rising from a flaming heat
The human soul, free and alert
In cleansing flames, his God will meet
Painting silhouettes upon the sky
Like the image of a melting soul
The burning ghosts suppress a cry
In fire's depths my life is whole
I breathe in white sparks to be free
Colours and passion fill the mind
Slither into purest ecstasy
Solstice is near, wisdom I'll find…
Imperceptibly the fiery ocean turns to a
raging stream of water. A permanent
exchange of power and pressure takes
place. Elias feels tons of water above
and tries to swim up to the surface as fast
as he can. Meter after meter he covers
the long way upwards while the strange
underwater world passes in front of his
eyes like a movie. As the surface is
finally reached furious waves collapse
over him and bury him again. A war against
water, a fight for oxygen begins. Like a little
ball Elias is pressed down and let up again,
whilst the sun gives him a smile from
far away. In the distance light and water
fuse at the horizon and Elias devotes
himself like a prey to the flood, enjoying
the ride. But the waves are merciful and
carry him like flotsam and jetsam to the
infinite ocean's beach. A long space later
as he gets up from the traumatic journey
the moon has already swallowed mother
Across the sands of all our dreams
what fertile water westwards streams,
followed by the sun's flaming sword,
Poseidon, take good care, oh watery lord.
She trudges, drags and shoves her load,
Early sunrays opening her throat.
A tide so moondrawn in her wake,
while furious waves the silence break.
Blood not mine, a wine-dark sea at noon,
behold the handmaid of the moon.
In sleep the wet signs call her hour,
bid her arise, bed of death, ghost-candled flower.
He comes, the palest vampire,
his eyes through storm and fire,
his bat sails bloodying the ocean's bliss.
Mouth to his mouth's kiss.
(Inspired by a prose passage from James Joyce, Ulysses)
of a sudden a creature rises up from the water and
strides to the shore; it is Proteus, the oracle of the sea.
He tells Elias about the eternal validity of things. The
material world is not what it might seem to a physical
creature, it is the result of psychic energy. The true value
of a thing lies not in its physical appearance but in its
spirit. Everything we see (and do not see) is conscious
of itself, the fish as well as the ocean. The spirit creates
the matter, not vice versa. Accordingly, the soul does not
need a physical body to experience life and death and
everything which lies beyond. All life is infinite.And
while Proteus speaks on for hours and days and years
about the unity of all things he embodies summer as
well as autumn, winter and spring. Elias watches and
listens, astonished by the great words transmitted by
the God of the sea. Still drowned in magic thoughts he
finally believes to hear the ocean sing.
Do thoughts need eyes to exist,
Or is the mind just a sham?
Reflections try to resist:
"I think therefore I am!"
Sometimes Proteus comes to the beach
Changing shape on shores of dry blood
Sometimes silent waves find speech
And turn to a furious flood…
waves are dancing let's walk home
Into the western ocean alone
Out of water we came
Vast oceans will have sealed
Men's fate without shame
When being is revealed
Sometimes a wave finds speech
and slays the spirits it can't reach…
that the waves have become calm Elias walks along
the shore sunken in his reflections again. The moon has
turned to a little spot on the horizon which illuminates the
nightly walk, and every grain of sand carries the maternal
warmth of the sun. Year after year the waves are beating
the beach and they never get tired in a million years. Elias
feels as if a spark of wisdom has recently touched his mind,
and finally he seeks for rest in a cave which lies below the
reefs. He hears his heart pulsating, it is beating like a drum.
Heavy rhythms take control. This is the slow beat of all being,
this is the everlasting beat…
Constantly beats the spirit of the age
It steals my sense for time and place
The godly origin is free from rage
Peacefully, it's outlasting our days
In warm wombs where golden honey flows
I'm save from harm and from decline
Out of the purest will a body grows
Down here in the origin of mine
From glassy caskets we admire
Our own birth from desire
Oh tree of life, give us your fruit
We shall detect and not ask 'why'
Inside the red womb all is mute
When pure existence turns to 'I'…
Rivers of blood float fast through me
Like an everlasting stream of love
With blinded eyes I'm able to see
Without ears I hear the voices from above
So I expose my words and sins
In emptiness they shall be free
Cause death is where all life begins
When we look into eternity
Buried in our mother's womb
Where velvet is a tender tomb
Oh tree of life, give us your fruit
Let it fall down and hit the ground
Inside the red cave all is mute
Come hear the silence, what a sound!
in ideas of recreation, birth and life Elias sees
Melissa hovering above the ocean. But it is not a
physical creature what he believes to recognise.
Melissa is one with the ocean, she is in every single
drop of the water and he recognises her apparition in
every cloud in the sky. Sad feelings overwhelm the
poor boy, who freezes miserably in the nightly cave
at the beach. Alone he is and only the ocean's waves
sympathize with his deplorable lamentation. With tears
in his eyes he passes through the night afterMelissa's
decease again. Oh,what a sorrowful flashback.
They told me you will not return
This sad conception hurts
Joy it was our sole concern
"I love you" your last words
Desire fades,
I thought we'd be forever
Memory's realm
will keep our hearts together
Teardrops in a candlelight
Nightly silence breaks my will
Grief and loneliness inside
White roses wither on my window sill
Spring and its crying melody
A bloody sea for you I weep
I can't forget your elegy
Show me the way and please
let me find sleep
he wakes up full of grief from this memorial
journey of the mind, still lying near Melissa's grave.
Elias has passed through an initial dream. Although he
is richer in wisdom now he still feels a big loss in his
heart. The rain falls without pity. Full of yearning the
desperate boy screams at the golden angel, which still
looks at the sky fulfilled with eternal peace. Elias screams
out all his anger and yearning. No answer. He screams
again and again but the sound dies away in the darkness
of the night. He does not want to be wise, he wants to
meet Melissa and wants to be buried in her arms. He
throws himself down to the ground and listens, love-sick
as he is. And so sullen Elias waits for a sign of Melissa.
But for minutes and hours he waits in vain.
I carry the roses of love
With blood on my hands
It's raining headstones from above
A sign my poor soul understands
I fight a war against sad thoughts
Till someone comes to dry my tears
My mournful world the dream distorts
Let me find a haven for my fears
Where are you tonight,
As I'm dying deep within myself?
Still you hesitate,
We've got a vision of a war to fight…!
Above the roves, the nightingale
Sings of decease and love, so pure
Look at my heart, it becomes pale
This sadness deep inside I cannot endure
Seek to reverse malignity
Lovelorn wounds are all I find
Please sing a hymn of joy for me
I need it to release mind
Like a dancer in degeneration
Exhibitionistic and malign
Let me find illumination
Melissa, please give me a sign
Brother of sleep,
Send me your ashen kiss
and cover my face with a shroud
Full of joy let me creep
through the valleys of bliss
Pure spirits they are free and proud
the first dim light of day is finally near an
invisible energy seizes Elias' hand and pulls him
down below the surface into a transcendental
underworld, where innumerable impressions
overwhelm the frightened passenger. Red night,
noisy streams, screaming walls collapse, fall into
each other and renew. The smell of blackness and
glaring lights, which penetrate into the mind of the
wanderer. Burning ice and liquid stones,
simultaneousness of present and past, which
deletes the perception of a possible present.
Chaos surrounds the protagonist, who is not able
to distinguish between reality and dream anymore.
He seems to fall up and down at the same time
while a wall of clamour and silence surrounds him.
Elias, the visionary, loses weight and height and
finally he loses his limbs until only the purest spirit
remains. He dives into the blue vacuum and fills the
emptiness with energy. Eternally growing with
the cosmos he joins in the beat of all-that-is.
colour after the other is swallowed and every
thing turns into magic blue. Elias simultaneously
flies, swims, walks and hovers through the vortex
into a vast and vivid light. Earthly measures are
erased and one dimension is linked closely with
each other, imperceptibly. Distractedly, he follows
the traces of water, earth, air and fire to the centre
of the spiral. Elias has left behind allreason and is
driven by purest energy. Love and intuition lead
him through the chaotic tunnel like an interior
motor. The faces of people he knows and knew in
various lives appear in the stream, they melt with
each other and turn into new variants. Their voices
sound through the empty room and are equal but
yet so different. The sounds of noise and silence
alternate with each other, deleted is the difference
between left and right and up and down. Slowly but
irresistibly, Elias becomes conscious of himself
being a part of the river of existence. Everything is
one, a unity. The world's accomplished in every
moment, every second, every day…
psychic gravity I defy
While the body takes off to fly
Energetic streams, they run through me
Eradicate the unbound limbs for free
To the borders of imagination
Perpetual movement, no stagnation
I'm a sailor in the liquid spheres of mind
That's where I create my own reality
In this Colourado all that I can find
Is one single moment in eternity
Into the river of faces thou shalt dive
To see the various forms of life
Existence is a constant flow
Hundreds and thousands come and go
They all change and they renew
Within a moment, just like you!
In darkened temples where the spirits rise
and blue spotlights guide the wanderer's path.
Silence is loud, fire is as cold as ice
and love's a cure for my life's aftermath
Can't distinguish one voice from the other
Groans of the dying ones, still they bother
The cheerful from the weeping, screams of wrath,
Lamentations of the longing, caught in death
Every single voice has its own story to tell. There are old
men, unborn babies, happy children, wretched women and
joyful girls. And some spirits even look like trees and flowers.
But the process of realization in Elias marches on, and in the
light which swallows everything he catches the sight of Melissa's
face. Blurred and glassily but yet beautiful like a princess and as
brightly as a star she smiles at him. Distant and yet so close he
feels her presence and feels every word she speaks more intensely
than ever before:
"Elias, my beloved, oh don't you look so sad at me,
splendour is not just in thoughts and words,
the magnitude of life you have to see!
Go on my dear, although the farewell hurts!"
she speaks and disappears into a haze of faces.
However, Elias feels relief, fortune and deliverance
for the first time after a long period of suffering. With
an elevated frame of mind he looks around and realises
the indescribable beauty that surrounds him. Chaos
retreats and an environment which embodies his inner
happiness arises at the end of the vortex. Melissa is
always present, she always was and will be. With this
knowledge Elias begins to relax and simply enjoys all
the colours, sounds, smells and ideas he can perceive.
Deep inside he has the presentiment that it will not be
the last time he experiences this splendour, although he
will return to the material world quite soon for a while.
These are the golden fields of God
Where energy is pure and spirits reign
This is a gathering of light and thought
Eternal beauty without grief and pain
Pictures are changing with closed eyes
Fantasy is a delicious guide
Through material worlds in disguise
With the astral body on a ride
A space sound park (is dazzling my clarity)
It's calling from interior depths
A space sound park (full of melody)
With closed eyes and constant breaths
Dance on velvet fields of love
With the past and future ideas
Across the orbits like a foreign dove
Far away into the brightest spheres
Self-created physical phenomena
Death seems to be an infinite dream
Alpha and Omega is what we are
Consciousness it will redeem
While bizarre movies dance outside the head
Three-dimensional orders re-establish finally
Awaking cold and sweating at her bed
About to enter the physical reality
awakes easily from the deep and strenuous
sleep. He is still lying close to Melissa's grave,
as the first cold rain drops of the new day stroke
his skin. Deep inside he feels an intensive longing,
but this time it is not combined with desperation
but with an alleviating deliverance. Elias glances
at her bleak tombstone, the lounging flowers and
the golden angel upon the pedestal, but all these
symbols of mourning can't steal his gentle euphoria
anymore. Melissa behaves like "Penelope" to him
and he knows that she is waiting. It does not matter
how long the journey through this material life
might take, because a century is not more than a grain
of sand on the beach of eternity. In our dreams we are
united with the ones we love. Without words we
This goes out to the one I love
With you I had the loveliest days
This goes out to my handsome dove
I think of you on all my ways
Can't catch my lovesick mind in words
It's you who gives my spirit wealth
To feel your cold limbs, oh, it hurts
I'm crying to express myself
Let's light a fire, just to make you shine
I see your face in every light
In silence with you I feel fine
I think of you, a lonely night
And feel your soft kiss on my spine
Dead bodies only dreams unite